The pinnacle of South Australia’s hill climbing events for 2019 once again comes around on the yearly Sporting Car Club calendar. After eight SCCSA hillclimb events for the 2019 season at the Collingrove Hillclimb Track in the scenic Barossa Valley, it all comes down to this, the 2019 SA Hillclimb Championships.
Over 100 competitors from all over the state, and including some from Victoria, come together for one final battle up the mighty Collingrove Hillclimb. Of the 100+ cars to line up at the bottom of the hill, there will be a wide range of categories to meet everyone’s motoring interests. From road registered vehicles, improved production, historic, rally cars right up to the kings of hill climbing, the Formula Libres, the SA Hillclimb Championships is a must see for motoring enthusiasts.
Last year we saw the SA Hillclimb Championship go to Dean Tighe, an interstate competitor from Queensland. With the vast majority of competitors coming from South Australia this year, the chances of the title returning home are likely, but not if Victoria’s Alan Foley in his 1693cc Formula Libre gets his way.
September 14th 2014 Collingrove Hillclimb saw a Victorian by the name of Brett Hayward compete and set a time of 27.25 seconds, which was a new track record. For the next five years, many have tried and many have failed to better that epic effort. The big question is, on the 19th and 20th of October 2019, will this record be broken and a new king of Collingrove Hillclimb rise from the ashes?
With fantastic viewing spots of the track, Collingrove Hillclimb provides the perfect motorsport venue for spectators. With a backdrop of rolling hills, grazing horses and endless greenery, it’s a great spot to bring your family for a picnic and enjoy some great motorsport in the Barossa.
If a picnic is not your thing, enjoy an egg and bacon roll, pies and pasties and a number of other delicious food and beverage options from the canteen. Gates open from 9am with spectator entry at $15 per person or $30 for a car load of people. Friday is practice day where spectators will receive free admission from 1pm.
Collingrove Hillclimb Track is located on Hillclimb Rd, Mt McKenzie, just 9km south of Angaston, SA 5353.
We would love to see you there!
